Father Raphael of Jamaica

Lectures around the island.

Daily Gleaner, July 25, 1913.

The Very Rev. Father Raphael, O.C.G., missionary Priest of the Greek Orthodox Church was among the speakers at the missionary meeting held on Tuesday evening last at St. Stephens mission. Many were privileged to hear him on that occasion, and as he will be the preacher at the evening service on Sunday next those who have not yet heard him can avail themselves of the opportunity. The service begins at 7 o'clock.
Daily Gleaner, August 9, 1913.

A special address will be given at the Bethlehem National Baptist Chapel, 109 Charles street, on Wednesday the 13th inst., at 7 p.m. by the Very Rev. Father Raphael of the Greek Orthodox Church. This is an excellent opportunity of hearing of the customs and manners of the nations of the world from one who has travelled the world over. A silver offering will be taken. He will also deliver an address at Barbican Church on Thursday night the 14th inst. On Sunday the 17th inst. the Very Rev. Father will deliver an address at 3 oclock, at the new mission house at Grange Lane. The Rev. Morris L. L. Abisdid will preside. The Rev. Abisdid will be thankful it all those societies and friends who have gifts in hand for the mission house would take hold of the opportunity of bringing same.

Daily Gleaner August 22, 1913.


Under the auspices of the Church of England Men's Society, the Very Rev. Father Raphael of the Greek Orthodox Catholic Church lectured to a large audience at the Conversorium on Wednesday night.

The Father gave a very entertaining and instructive account of his travels in the Holy Land, at the end of which a vote of thanks, moved by the Rev. Mr. Graham of Retreat, St. Mary, seconded and carried, was accorded him.

The Rev. R. J. Ripley presided.

Daily Gleaner August 18, 1913.


The Very Rev. Father Raphael, of the Greek Orthodox Catholic Church, lectured to a very large congregation at Barbican, on Thursday night. The Rev. G. E. Stewart presided.

The Father gave very instructive and entertaining information from his ample store of experience, and his every utterance was followed with eager attention. He touched on his travels through Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Bethany, around the Dead Sea, Cyprus, Rome, etc., and his remarks were gratefully received.

Father Raphael was in Chapelton, the scene of his boyhood days, last week, and he visited the Hospital and homes of the poor people; as also those of the upper circles, and he was heartily welcomed everywhere.

On the request of the people of May Pen, Father Raphael will give a lecture in the Wesleyan schoolroom in that town on the 24th inst.

As he will be going to and fro, all communications to Father Raphael should be addressed to Kingston P. O.

Daily Gleaner August 28, 1913.


Our May Pen correspondent writes are "A very interesting and instructive lecture was given here on Sunday, 24th inst., by the Very Rev. Father Raphael, Priest Apostolic of the Greek Orthodox Catholic Church. The audience was a large and representative one, including many prominent ladies and gentlemen; all of whom showed marked appreciation.

The speaker was introduced to the audience by Mr. Storkes deRoux, who spoke in terms most complementary to the rev. gentleman.

On rising to speak, Father Raphael said that he looked back with gratitude and thankfulness for all that God had done for him. He was born in Chapelton; thirty years ago he left this country and was permitted to see very much on this our planet.

The Father spoke for about two hours, dealing chiefly with the travels in the Holy Land.
 Site authored by Joy Lumsden, MA (Cantab), PhD (UWI).

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Daily Gleaner Nov. 1, 1913 p 2 col 7

The Very Rev. Father Raphael will deliver a lecture at Oddfellows Hall, 73 King Street, tomorrow, 2nd November, at 8 p.m., under the auspices of the Kingston Lodge 2042, G. U. O. of O. F. The subject of the lecture will be his travels in the Holy Land. He will speak about Moscow, Alexandria and a few other places of interest. The Hon. H. A. L. Simpson, Mayor of Kingston, will preside. A large attendance is anticipated. At the close of the lecture a silver collection will be taken up.

Daily Gleaner Nov. 5, 1913 p 2 col 7

This evening at 7 o'clock, Rev. Father Raphael will give a lecture in the Edmondson Hall to the members of the Coke-Wesley Guild. Father Raphael's addresses have everywhere attracted great interest, and the Guild anticipates a great treat, to which their friends are accordingly invited. A silver collection will be taken up, and the Rev. Mr. Turnbull, the new President, will take the chair.