Father Raphael of Jamaica

Home to Chapelton

Daily Gleaner August 15, 1913.


Rev Father Raphael Talks

Of His Travels Abroad.


Spot Where it is Said Christ Fell with His Cross
Chapelton Church tower 
 Site authored by Joy Lumsden, MA (Cantab), PhD (UWI).

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( From Our Correspondent.)

Chapelton, August 13. -- On Monday, 11th inst., the Very Rev. Father Raphael gave a very interesting lecture in St. Paul's Church. The Rev. R. J. McPherson, who was in the choir, sang the him, "Jesus lover of my soul," after which he introduced the Rev. Father.

Father Raphael began by reminding the people of this town that he was still Robert Morgan to them and, as such, he was glad to be once more among them. He told of his travels abroad, dealing primarily with the Holy Land. He illustrated graphically the places most associated with our Lord. He pointed out to his hearers that the scene from Mount Tabor beggars his explanatory powers, and the only way to come to a conclusion, as to why the disciples wanted to remain on the Mount was on account of its beauty. He illustrated the modes of travel among the Jews, which brought forth laughter from his hearers. He said it was a pity, and he did not care who was offended, but he was shocked to see how men who could not even read a decent piece of English, would take a verse from the Bible and build a Church on it, even when those versed in Latin and Greek, the original language of the Bible, had trouble in translating the passages.
Among the animals which he said he noticed in his travels was the donkey, millions of which abounded in the land; also the sheep. He explained how shepherds were marked, so that their sheep would not follow another shepherd who had not on the same dress, or who did not give the same call, thereby showing the truth of Christ's words when He said: "My sheep know my voice, etc." Another place of interest

which he visited was the spot where tradition says that Christ fell with His Cross, and where Saint Veronica wiped His face, and in return received the imprint of the Master's face on the towel. He paid visits to Cyprus, where he said he saw four men as black as two black mid-nights put together.

Among the animals which he said he noticed in his travels was the donkey, millions of which abounded in the land; also the sheep. He explained how shepherds were marked, so that their sheep would not follow another shepherd who had not on the same dress, or who did not give the same call, thereby showing the truth of Christ's words when He said: "My sheep know my voice, etc." Another place of interest which he visited was the spot where tradition says that Christ fell with His Cross, and where Saint Veronica wiped His face, and in return received the imprint of the Master's face on the towel. He paid visits to Cyprus, where he said he saw four men as black as two black mid-nights put together.

The lecture, which was very interesting from all points, was highly appreciated by his listeners. He expressed the wish to return to this centre again, before he leaves the Island.

The Rev. McPherson then moved a vote of thanks to the Rev. Father and expressed the wish that he might see his way to return and give another lecture.

The meeting was then brought to a close.